Sunday, May 01, 2005

Out of the Mouths of Babes, Part 1

What a fun-filled weekend we've had! Both kids had games Friday night and it was cold, but it was still fun. Abby threw out a girl at first from short stop for the second time this was a thing of beauty. Brandon pitched and in two innings struck out 6 and gave up no runs. He is very, very proud, so we didn't point out how horrible the other team actually was. I mean, he really did pitch great, but they, not good. Anyway, on Saturday we ate all 3 meals together around a table. We ran errands and played lots of games and then, for our only dissatisfying moment of the weekend, we watched the Rockets choke...again. sigh.

Did you know that next Sunday is Mother's Day? I've kept a word document for each kid through the years where I've recorded funny things they've said and done, and some rather touching things as well. In honor of the occasion, I thought I'd share some of them with you this week. We'll begin with some early stories from the eldest child. Enjoy... I know I have.

Brandon, the early years:
* to my good friend's mom while riding next to her in the car- "Hey! You’re big….and SQUISHY!"

* June ’98 Clay: “Who do you want to invite to your birthday party?”
Brandon: “Girls.”
Clay: “What about Colt?”
B: “No, just girls.”
Clay: “What about Aaron?”
B: “No, just girls.”
Clay: “What do you want to do at your party with the girls?”
B: “Have a swimmin’ party!”

*July ’98 at the dinner table: (singing) “I got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my...(pause) WHEW!!!! I need to go potty!”

*When eating and/or drinking or wanting something to snack on: “Jesus needs a Cheeto”(or whatever he wanted at the time because, naturally, if Jesus is in your heart He must be in your stomach, too)

*Sept. ’98 after “helping” Clay put Abby’s crib together…”When Abby leaves our house, we’re gonna break that bed down.”

*After watching the final scenes of Home Alone, where the mom and son are reunited in the foyer, embracing and tearful, Brandon sighed and said, “I wish I could have a mommy like that.” hmmmmmmm....hope he didn't pick a card that expressed THAT sentiment

* Shone a flashlight on his tummy, then explained: “Well, it’s dark in there, and God is scared.”

* Sept. 99 when asked what’s 5 minus 0 while in bed with us at night Brandon said, after a long pause, “I can’t see my hands.”

* When his hermit crab named Big Stick died, Brandon asked, “Did he die on a cross, or did somebody shoot him with a gun?” Then, upon Big Stick’s burial in the back yard, Brandon said, “Now maybe he’ll come back to life.”

* Clay and Brandon went golfing and had to golf with 2 guys they didn't know. One of them used very colorful language until he learned Clay's occupation. Then he began to get more creative with his exclamations. After missing an easy putt, he shouted, "Holy Moses!" Brandon stepped up and sank a putt about 7 or 8 feet long. He lifted both arms to the sky and shouted, "Prince of Egypt!" (yes, Clay lost it.)

* Feb. ’00 prayer: “….and thank you, God, for letting us build a house. A big, big house with lots and lots of room. A big, big table with lots and lots of food. A big, big yard...” (you get the picture)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember the big and Squishy line. I thought Mom handled it very well though! I still occasionally call her that. My favorite Brandon story is when he started laughing at Aaron during the prayer and Clay told him it wasn't funny and he replied, "It was a litta bit funny!"
Thanks for the memories