Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ig-pay atin-lay

This morning I had to go to the thriving metropolis of Waxahachie to visit the foot doctor. I know this may not be good decorum to mention, but it must be told since the rest of the story is so stinking hilarious. I had to have an......anters-play ort-way removed. It was very large and I currently have a 17 mm x 11 mm hole in the heel of my right foot. But on to the real point of the story. First, my friend and I arrived (thank you who feared for my driving ability once the surgical procedure was accomplished) to find the foot specialist perched atop a two story building. This begs the first question: Why in the world would a foot doctor locate his practice on the 2nd floor, where pained podiatric patients must climb up and down with each visit? [the p's are for those of you who enjoy good alliteration every now and again]

Nevertheless, up we went. I was a very brave girl and didn't budge as he numbed said heel with an extraordinarily long needle. Now, I do ok with needles and watched the whole procedure calmly from leg-length distance. But it was just too much when he brought the thing over for me to see. I can't even say the phrase without using pig latin; I definitely didn't need an up-close view. Anyway, once my foot was cauterized and wrapped up, the dr. tells me to hang on to the thing. You see, usually they send them off for biopsy. He didn't think it was necessary since mine was so obviously an anters-play ort-way, but "let's hang on to it just in case." So he hands me the vial in which it has been placed for safe keeping and says, "Just don't take it out."

WHAT??? Is that a temptation to some people? Am I missing out on something great by not even thinking of such things?

And back down the stairs we went, vile vial in hand.

Afterwards, we headed to Wal Mart, lunch, and then to pick up my sleepy-time medicine for when my foot hurts later. (Yes, I know that sentence was, in fact, banal.) During our little outing, my friend made this statement: "When I hang around with you, I don't feel so inept." I'm thinking that wasn't really a compliment; what say you? :-)

I know that many of you, like me, are watching Rita develop and take its course toward Texas. I found an interesting weather-blog-site thingy that I thought I'd share with you, because this blog is not intended for entertainment value only; sometimes I like to inform.


Anonymous said...

It really was a compliment, but a backwards one I have to admit! :-)

Anonymous said...

The most important question. Will you be able to spike the ball on saturday?

CYNTHIA said...

it's not looking good, coach