Tuesday, February 15, 2005

New Member's Class

I know, I know...I said I wouldn't post again until next week, but it's been an eventful few days. As it turns out, Brandon has provided me with ample material for an extra post that I think you'll enjoy reading.

Brandon came up with a different kind of New Member's Class Sunday night at church. A bunch of boys his age were playing inside (ok, they might have possibly been running like little banshees). Anyway, Brandon rounded a corner just as a boy whose family had JUST JOINED THAT MORNING also rounded the same corner and, well....you can probably imagine. Brandon chipped his front tooth and knocked it and another permanent one loose a little bit. He had himself a nice little toothache. But the other little boy went to the ER for 5 stitches in his forehead. (nice.) He also had a slight concussion for 2 hours. (nicer.)

Thankfully, the parents of the new boy have been very cool about the whole thing. In fact, the kid plays ice hockey, so they're used to accidents and injury. Brandon's tooth has been filed and it looks fine now and the dentist said they weren't loose enough to worry about. So the moral of the story? What your parents always said really is true...don't run in the church!

A more lighthearted tidbit: one of Brandon's Sunday School teachers is a young guy in his 20's. Dr. Brad, as Brandon calls him, and Brandon have hit it off. Dr. Brad and his wife live just one street over, so Brandon rode his bike to see them. Apparently, the visit was filled with tall tales. Here's a little sampling: Dr. Brad - What's your new house going to be like?
Brandon - We're probably going to have a tennis court and a basketball court.
Dr. Brad - Really?
Brandon - Yeah. My mom is built for speed.

In Brandon's defense, I think he must have overheard statements like...what are we going to do with all that yard (all the lots in the neighborhood must be 1 acre or more), it's big enough for a...(fill in the blank). aaaahhhh, kids....

OK, you need to look at this video
it is hilarious.
oops. i just noticed that link isn't working, so if you can't get there that way, try this:
and watch the baby got book video.

And raise your hand if you think that 24 is the best show ever. Me, too. I could barely sleep last night wondering how Jack was going to save the misguided, but strangely likable young terrorist named Behrooz.

OK, I think that's really going to be all until next week. I'm going to go now and run around the block or something. After all, I am...

Built for Speed


Anonymous said...

Let's see a show of hands of those who really think my wife will limit herself to one post per week! BTW, my hand stays up for the 24 comment, but since we watch it together (me in my new CTU t-shirt), you already knew that!

Anonymous said...

My hand is down for 24, only because I've never seen it. After 3 years of laughing at all the Idol fans, I have finally joined them and now cannot miss an episode of American Idol. So give me another year and I'll join you 24 fans.

Anonymous said...

I am willing to try 24...just need to see the former episodes. I'm so glad to know that you are "built for speed," I, on the other hand seem to be "built for speed bumps" oh well....

Anonymous said...

okay one more thing....the video is "off the chain!!!!" It's nice to know that I have a big bible to go along with my big bu...well- never mind.