Thursday, February 17, 2005

things that make me smile

So what? Clay is right (read his comment for my Tuesday post). I can't wait a whole week before posting again. But really it's your fault. Since I added the counter at the bottom of the page, it's apparent that you've been starving for one more "Favorite" site to click on each day--just for the sake of clicking. (scroll down. no, further. the very bottom. see! there have been a lot of clicks!) I'm glad you're enjoying it so much, but help ME enjoy it more by posting your comments! I'm also going to work on my blogging skills; hopefully soon I'll learn how to add pictures for you to enjoy as well (patience, grasshoppa' ).

Really, I'm just putting off getting to work on session 3 of my current writing assignment today. So I'll make it short. Here are some things (in no real particular order) that make me smile.

10. Leaving the post office with a ROLL of stamps instead of a book.
9. Coke...regular, classic variety...with those little bitty balls of ice in a styrofoam cup, with lid and straw
8. a basketball and a hoop
7. the smell of brand new tennis balls when you open the can.
6. mechanical pencils
5. the Waxahachie Chick-fil-A because they have out those delicious white mints like the ones at IHOP, but I don't know how else to describe them.
4. Friday breakfasts with Clay
3. Brandon's smile
2. Abby's laugh
1. clicking the "send" button after finishing a writing assignment.


Anonymous said...

Brandon's comment about "my mom is built for speed" brings a smile and a chuckle. Not that you are not speedy, just that he would say it is too cute. And I do enjoy checking this page, by the way. I have added it to my favorites and am considering getting one of my own.

Anonymous said... I am in the world of blog (I feel that in some small way I have taken 3 giant steps to catch up with society!!) lol Since we are just starting to get to know each other, I thought I would share my 10 things:
#10. Awesome BB plays.
#9. My cat "kitty cursing" at me (I didn't even know what I had done!!)
#8. Seinfeld reruns (love that Kramer)
#7. Finding a new specimin for my rock collection-what a nerd!
#6. Did I mention chocolate?
#5. When the Lord surprises me
#4. A child's homemade gift/note given to me. (I love the look on their faces-what love)
#3. That "look" Steve gives me when he is amazed with me.
#2. When Brad (my son) applies what he has learned from me about Christ.
#1. The laughter of children when I know I have REALLY tickled their funny bone.
Well, my friend, you have inspired me to start my own blog. I promise I will check yours daily. See ya Sunday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

cynthia...YOU make me smile lol this is cute! your posts crack me up! anyways...i didn't know which one you were wanting me to look at in particular so let me know!!! i'll see you in the morning!!!

Anonymous said...

I knew you couldn't make it a week either!! However, I am starting to find myself looking for it as much as you are looking forward to writing it!! As I am sitting here responding Gage just asked if he had any mail from Brandon. We sure miss you guys! Talk to you soon.