Thursday, June 14, 2007

Anecdotes from the week formerly known as Vacation Bible School

At Summer Blast, all the kids were directed to choose from cheerleading, soccer, basketball, and football as their chosen sport of the week. This serves as their recreation time and they receive instruction in that sport...kind of like a mini-camp. Anyway, the very same trash-talking boy who made fun of Hannah Montana earlier in the year, told A last week that girls can't play football. He scoffed at the very idea. So guess what sport A chose for the week? you got it...she's playin' football. i love that girl.

At least 1 of you will really enjoy this story (I'm picturing a young SJ w/pantyhose over her head)...part of Welcome Week for B and the other incoming 7th graders is to partcipate in some wild and crazy games. For example. 3 lucky contestants were chosen for a game of Human Darts, where their heads were covered with whipped cream and their teammates threw puffed cheetos at them. The team with the most cheetos stuck to the head at the end of the time limit wins. that one was pretty funny. But even more enjoyable? was watching B in the pantyhose olympics. He (and several others) was challenged to eat a banana, put pantyhose over his head and then spit the mushy stuff through the hose. Whoever gets the most out wins. Now if you know B, you know about his wildly passionate competitive streak. He shoved the banana in so fast that he immediately started gagging. But he overcame that problem and yanked the hose down over his head and started blowing with all his might. The catch is that you can't actually spit the banana through the hose. In fact, the harder you blow and work at it, the more the nasty mushy banana-substance spreads all over your face...even up into your hair if you're really determined, which he was. Ah, in the youth group just one week and he's already makin' memories that will last a lifetime...

1 comment:

thesharester said...

ah yes, i'm pretty sure the pantyhose olympics are my favorite thing ever of the hopkins youth ministry.