Monday, March 24, 2008


Not too long ago I read an article about bizarre sports injuries, like a baseball player who was inactive for several games bc he sprained his hand by playing too much guitar hero. This morning, I had my own bizarre injury incident when I was having my quiet time. I was on my left side and leaning up on my left elbow in bed when I had to sneeze violently. The sneeze in that position apparently put undue strain on my back. Since then, I have had an awful pain under my left shoulder blade. Hope I'll be able to write tomorrow...or do you think LifeWay has an inactive list of their own???


CYNTHIA said...

my quiet time injury still hurts (3/27). just in case you were wondering. :-)

Emily said...

That is only something that would happen to you and me, Cynthia. =) hehe One time I managed to sprain my ankle because I got up and tried to walk when my foot was asleep.(Make sure all body parts are fully awake before you try to get up!)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cynthia, actually I was wondering. I hope it's getting better! Remind me some time to tell you my story about spraining my wrist and ankle while overseas without ever actually falling down. It's pretty entertaining.