Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Junior Sponsor" - I've been living a lie

just when i lose hope in the jack-ness of 24, those writers do something extraordinary to keep the show atop my list of faves. that was some good stuff, you have to admit.

So B is no longer an egg-hunter at Easter time. He is now an egg-hider. This makes me sad, as it is just another reminder that I am getting old. It is actually right for people to call me, "Ma'am", though I never wanted to be one of those. It did bring me great joy, however, to see him heading over to a water sprinkler cover at the end of the hunt on Sunday. He had stashed some eggs in a special hiding place with the intent of securing them for himself after the unsuspecting little children walked right by it. It seems it's not that he doesn't WANT the eggs; it's simply that he doesn't want other people to know that he wants them. 11 years old is greatness. And, as we discuss the "go or don't go" of his final preteen camp, I am reminded of my own entry into the youth group. My mom convinced me that I would be attending preteen camp that year as a junior sponsor. That was the only way I would agree to attend such a juvenile event. In fact, it never even occurred to me - until just now- that I had not actually reached sponsor status that year. It was all a ruse.

Anyway, we're about to enter uncharted waters...dad is dad AND youth minister to son. Which is great for you, as I'm certain the next 6 years will provide much bloggable material.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't think people should be called ma'am until they hit menopause. KJ

Anonymous said...

We are old enough to have two children graduate with college degrees and get married. We currently have one child in college and have even celebrated 25 years of marriage and to my suprise and wonderment, no one has ever endeavored to call me ma'am! Shocking I know.....

Conference Speaker

Johnnie B said...

I love this! We have one of the pre-teen critters also! Not old enough to do all the cool stuff they think they are old enough to do and too old to do all the cool stuff they would still like to do if no one knew they did it! Ours is 12 and he did hunt eggs...in my livingroom where no one else could see him (except for my camera!)since there was snow outside! I so enjoy reading your writing. Someday...put all this into a book! It would be great! By the way 'Ma'am' think you have a b-day tomorrow!!