Saturday, March 01, 2008

10 is disconcerting when you look down and notice that the lady giving you your pedicure has a nasty toenail fungus.

2. family movie night last night...Karate Kid. Wax on, wax off!

3. B got 1st place in UIL spelling.

4. had to go to TAKS training last week bc i'm administering the test to 5 5th graders this Wednesday. I had no idea what SERIOUS business it is. I have a whole book full of rules I must promise to follow, twice. seriously, by the looks of these instructions, some teacher somewhere in Texas must have gone to great lengths to cheat.

5. i love warmth.

6. A has replaced her Sanjaya wallpaper (computer variety, that is) with David Archuleta. This, I think, is a much better choice. I had imagined, though, that the reason he didn't sing the first verse of "Imagine" was because he is a Christian. Sadly, I was wrong. Just read that sweet David is Mormon.

7. baseball season is upon us.

8. do you think our neighbors are getting tired of toilet paper blowing in their yards each weekend? tonight i'm going to station b outside in the shadows with the hose ready.

9. winter park, co in 2 weeks!

10. comment me.


thesharester said...

dont forget your TAKS seating chart. and make sure its will be around for 5 years.

MNJ said...

Oh, dear! I was hoping the same regarding David A's not singing the first verse of "Imagine." I still like him though. His rendition was beautiful.

Was B successful in his "stakeout" last night? Congratulations to him on his UIL success!!!

I TOLD you why I don't get pedicures anymore!!!

I, too, love warmth.

Anonymous said...

I am sooo hoping you didn't get your pedi at our local talk-talk-talksomemore salon...they're usually really clean and i am in serious need of their services!


Emily said...

I thought maybe David was a Christian as well......where did you read your information? We are idol fans and this season seems like it will be a good one. Though I'm sure you and C will fully agree with us when I say we are VERY frustrated that "24" has not started up this season yet. What will Jack do next? Will Chloe have her baby? There are sooo many things to be resolved, hehe =)

CYNTHIA said...

i just google-searched him. i googled jason castro, too, and he's an AGGIE!!! gig 'em!

CYNTHIA said...

and jason sings regularly (did) at lakepointe church in rockwall. ok, no more googling...i'm going to get to work!

CYNTHIA said...

PD said...

David Archeletta rocks...except for being Mormon...he has the urest voice in the competition though....I was proud of Jason too!

Toe funk is never a pleasant sight...

TAKS is a curse word...both if you're are taking it or administering it.

I, too, am curious to hear about B's stakeout....

I'm out...

Jennifer Josefy said...

I'm just sayin... Jason Castro and I have 23 mutual friends on facebook. And from what I hear, he's a pretty awesome guy. And he's a Christian. Maybe A should change her wallpaper again.

AND I watched that youtube- and the preacher is the guy that spoke at the first youth camp I went to with ya'll! He preached out of Deuteronomy.

And I threw up in my mouth (at least I didn't do it in class!) when I read about toe fungus. Sick Out.

CYNTHIA said...

yeah, that's wes hamilton, who is a friend of Clay's. so according to the kevin bacon game, i figure we are only twice removed from being jason castro's bff. that's why i'm voting for him. did you see he gave the aggie thumbs up after his song?

Anonymous said...

i was impressed that you had 10 comments on this blog after you said "comment me" but was not so impressed once i saw that they were mostly all from yourself :)
-bekahs back