Sunday, March 23, 2008

from A

got this email from A today and thought you'd enjoy it too..happy Easter!

This is your Easter gift. Have a good time reading this.

Jesus is the reason we have Easter. He is the reason we celebrate. Without him where would we be? Try to think about how GOD died on the cross for our sins, and you'll know why we celebrate Easter. It is supposed to be fun, so have a good time, but while you hunt for eggs, think about GOD. Easter can make you more Happy. This is a great time to celebrate GOD and why he made our sins go away. He died on the cross, and rose again three days later. Just like Jonah and the whale. He got swallowed by a whale and got shot out three days later.I love thinking about it and you should too. It's fun to think about everything GOD does for us. He is the only thing you should put first in your life. So, if you like Easter than you should think about this FIRST. And you will have a great Easter. Happy Easter!

Love, A---


Anonymous said...

SWEEEEET! Thanks for sharing it!


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for posting that.