Wednesday, February 20, 2008

catching up

1)I had a really good time at our annual ladies' retreat last weekend. My friend, whose identity I have sworn to protect from communists, taught me some important truths about grace. Another 3 friends led worship, and it was delightful. Also, I'm pretty sure our staff wives skit was fantastic. :-)

2)There has been much made about whether the show "24" or the show "Lost" is better. I am loyal, so I have not watched "Lost" in the past, scoffing at the notion that it could even come close. However, due to the writers' strike (yay, it's over!) C and I felt pressure to rent seasons 1-3 of "Lost," or go to bed tv-less. Anyway, I have grown to love "Lost" over the past couple of months, but it's Alias-weird. Which makes sense, since the same guy created both shows. So I must still cast my vote for "24," because I still think it's the best even though its long absence may cause my memory to deceive me.

3)A's basketball season is winding down, and we're thankful. She LOVES it, but it is difficult to sit in the stands. Her team's high point game is 7 and they are winless. A has been scoring, though, so at least we get to cheer a couple of times each game.

4)C and our personnel committee are getting ever-close to hiring a middle-school minister. this is exciting news.

5)I'm getting old. Have noticed gray hairs and am playing bunko once a month.


MNJ said...

No, no, no, no, no!!!!! Say it isn't so. I cannot bear the thought of your having even ONE gray hair!!!!

BTW: There is no contest. 24 is MUCH better than Lost. We gave up on the WEIRD, and I do mean WEIRD Lost.

Anonymous said...

Just say no to bunko!! More telling than the gray hair. And I think Lost is the bomb! And what with no more 24 until 2009, maybe everyone will start showing it (Lost)some love.

ps. thanks for the brilliant script! and for props on the music.


PD said...

yeah, I played Bunco once and decided it wasn't for me. Sorry about those pesky gray heairs...

Kudos & ups on the staff wives skit...