Here's the Ellis County Spelling Bee '07 Champ! Among the words he had to spell were "sitzmark" (i don't know what that means, but he ripped it out like its a word he uses every day) and "magnanimous" and the winning words were "omnipotent" and "credenza". And, in the end, it was down to him and an 8th grader from Ennis. She knew omnipotent, but jumped out there with "o-m-i" and then backed up to respell it correctly. but you can't change letters. So if you're in the Dallas area on March 17, you can watch B on TV for the Dallas Morning News Regional Spelling Bee. He and I will have to come back early from our spring break ski trip to be there.
p.s. thank you to the "24" writers who obviously read my blog and made the necessary changes to give us what we've come to love and expect. the power of print...
Wow! What a good looking young man and what a trophy. We're proud. Keep up the good work! Now, we've got to try to find someone who gets the Dallas TV channels so we can watch. Go Brandon!!!
I remember when I was in a spelling bee in seventh grade and wasn't quite as good at it as brandon is... everytime clay saw me he would ask me how i could have missed a word like that... and now i don't even remember the word. GOOD LUCK BRANDON! : )
Congrats to brandon . from RAJ and KAJ
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