Happy Valentine's Day everybody. This is from A to me. No, we don't expect her to win the spelling bee, but don't you think she has great potential as a writer? And on a scale of preciousness, I'm thinking that card is pretty much at the top.
- buttaful me
Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail. --Jack Handey
okay...that IS precious, but of course, I think A is precious anyway...so I would expect no less. Let me give a shout out to Warren Moon...he is definitely way overdue for being in the Hall of Fame...way to go #1!
definitely one for the hall of fame for cards. KJ
ok since I can't send a pic of the card itself: "Der mom and dad. Heppy valenstim Day frum Brooke. I luve you. Haf a wundrful valinstm day. Hop you likit."
Pretty stinkin' funny when I re-write it in typeface, actually.
Mark says she'll be our athlete :)
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