If you see my little girl wearing this shirt, do her a favor and pretend that you think it's the greatest thing ever. You see, she got a little t-shirt maker thingy for Christmas from my crafty sister-in-law. A, of course, loves it and couldn't wait to create her own t-shirt. The only problem is that it required my help, and instruction #1 said, "Use steady hands." This is impossible for me, the one who has a tremor which sometimes causes cashiers to wonder what drugs I'm on as they try to place change in my shaky hand. So it's understandable that it took an hour and a half to finish this beautiful shirt with wavy letters. Come to think of it, maybe I should have intentionally made the letters wavy; that way, you'd be none the wiser. But too late. It's done and so I'm just saying the crooked letters and little holes give it character. And this is what A said to me after I exclaimed, "AAARRRGGHHH!" for about the tenth time: "It looks great, mom. You are doing your best and not everyone can do it the same as others. I think it's beautiful because you made it." And now we know her spiritual gift~encouragement. She wants to wear it tomorrow. I love that girl.
I like it, too!!! I think A can wear it with much pride. Good job!
one of the many rewards of motherhood-what goes around comes around KJ (she learned to be encouraging from her parents)
P.S. i'm thinking i need to order a bunch of those shirts for valentine gifts KJ
i would wear that shirt fo sho.
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