It's funny to me that I keep getting verbal blog topic suggestions from some of you who never brave the comment page. Perhaps I should hold that over you head; start posting comments and maybe I'll address your blog idea. That, or go get your own blog and I'll come read it and post comments, because I try to practice good decorum in blogosphere like that.
Well I have officially been a full-time writer for two days now. After spending the last couple of weeks attending conferences where I'm given projects, help brainstorm ideas, and am instructed in the finer points of curriculum writing, I'm now spending regular work-day hours in the blue room. My friend SJ has been boasting of the incredible facilities at USAA where she now works in San Antonio. While I don't have a Chick-fil-A, corporate Wendy's or Starbucks at my workplace, I do enjoy the fact that I can do my work in my pajamas, if I so choose. And it's no fancy fitness center, per say, but I can jump on the treadmill (still in my pajamas) or jump on my bicycle for a ride (although I'd probably have to get dressed for that one). As with blogging, it is important to practice good decorum in view of the neighborhood.
Don't you love it when a blog comes full-circle like that into a neat, tidy little ending? I believe that's 2 almost in a row.
I DO think that's REALLY cool when you make your blogs come full cirle, without much effort I might add! And that my friend, is why YOU'RE paid the big bucks!!
ah yes, for people on the OCD side of life- coming full circle is a WONDERFUL way to end a blog... I always knew you were a great writer CY!!! let me know if you need any youth consulting, because I am extremely experienced now as Editor-in-Chief of the GHS Stampede... AND why was I not invited to attend CBC reunion at HI-Deff 9/30... because I'm pretty sure this girl has NO SCHOOL that day in the first place...
Here I am CH! Finally taking an opportunity to post my first comment... yes, it did take a little threat... but hey, I am good with that! Bloggable ideas will be flowing... no not on my own blog, that idea probably scares my little L to death... she would have to check grammar and spelling on everything before I posted!!! She is a bit too busy to have that thrown her way too! I am happy to see the Fightin Texas Aggie Football reference... but we should add that the outcome was A&M 66 - smu 8... sorry if the M family is reading... Gig Em!
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