Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Glass Half-Full

Well the party was a success. Fun was had by all, and the boys were even asleep by midnight! They were all so tired that they voluntarily turned off Star Wars Episode 1 that we put on after they got situated for the night around 11:30. That's my top secret plan for every sleepover..."everyone get your pjs on, brush teeth and get in 'bed' and you can watch a movie." They think I'm the greatest b/c they're thinking they get to stay up really, really late. But almost every single time, they fall asleep before the movie is over. It's a win-win proposition.

I think that the gluten free diet just might make me rich. You might not be aware, but in Midland I developed this habit of picking up lunch or breakfast quite regularly. Now, I've got my fun money that I'm allotted each pay period and there's nothing really to spend it on except the beloved fountain coke, which I can get for only 75 cents during Happy Hour at Chicken Express each day if I want to. As it stands now, I'm enjoying tasty Delimex Chicken Taquitos for lunch in my own kitchen most days, at a fraction of the cost of a trip to Chick-fil-A. So you see, my glass continues to be half-full.

T minus one week til closing. For anyone just looking for something to do, we'll be transporting all our worldly possessions to the new homestead at the end of next week. You're welcome to come join us! :-)

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