Well Brandon took 2 showers this week at camp and bought a travel size Scope mouthwash in the gift shop mid-week so he could avoid brushing his teeth from that point forward. And still, somehow, he came home with a new "girlfriend". Those preteen years are magical, I tell you. Actually, from the polls I heard as the vans were unloading, his personal hygiene was right on target with the other boys. Several proudly exclaimed that they had not showered all week and I know of one for sure who could not remember brushing his teeth after Monday. Bless every man who has ever endured a week in a cabin with 10 year old boys.
The "girlfriend" story is quite entertaining, too. I sat and listened to B, Z, and R at lunch telling me all about how she went to camp "liking" B and R. R decided to go ahead and ask her to "go out with" him one day, but asked B to stand behind him as his back up in case she said no. But, since he had purchased a package of Sour Punch Straws for her, she could not resist. It lasted 5 hours, or so I'm told, at which point B stepped in. She couldn't resist him either b/c Z had given her Sour Skittles, telling her they were from B. I asked B (because these are important questions) what made her his girlfriend since he said they didn't walk together, sit together, or talk anywhere except the "Canteen". He said it's because "I like her and she likes me." I give it another half hour.
A is on her way home from N&Ps house. I can't wait to hug her little neck! It's been a fun week, but now I understand what my mom meant all those times she talked about needing all her chicks in the nest and stuff like that.
FYI - Cinderella Man is a GREAT movie if you, like me, love true stories and can handle all the pugilistic bloodiness. Little Opie did well and I didn't even think about Russell Crowe throwing a telephone at that hotel employee after about the first 5 minutes.
Hey..you think your boys are bad...I can tell you of 4 little girls that showered not a single time that week. Despite my efforts, those girls would not clean themselves...they felt as if the pool was a good enough bath. Icccck *brooke*
I know this guy who bought a girl some candy and then asked her out and she said yes, then she asked him to buy her some popcorn, so he did, then she asked him to buy her a drink, he did, etc., finally he ran out of money and she broke up with him, so tell B not to let that happen to him.
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