Wow. Last night's 24 episode was almost too intense. I was so scared for Chloe because you never know what they're going to do on that show. Only 3 more hours, though, and then a 2-hour season finale. What will we do when it's all over?
And how 'bout those Rockets? That was fun. Although, I really do like the Mavs except for Dampier and Bradley (since we live here and everything), but I've been a diehard Rockets fan since I was little. It reminds me a little bit of the year the Rockets swept the Magic in the finals. Clay and I lived in Orlando at the time and I taught 5th grade. The banter was delightful and I drew a broom on the big marker board for the children as they arrived to school the next day. good times.
The forms are in place, the plumbing has been done and the foundation will hopefully be poured this week at our new place. Yea!
As promised, a 2nd list...just so you know how fascinating my life has actually been.
*some stuff I've done and some places I've been*
(in no particular order)
1. rappelled down 130' mountain face in Colorado (the same trip as the chocolate chip pancakes)
2. rode to the top of the Space Needle in Seattle, WA.
3. had my name (oh, and Clay's, too) on the scoreboard at Candlestick Park in San Francisco
4. snowmobiled (and skied, too, but that's not as impressive) in Purgatory, CO
5. Night skied at Keystone
6. snow-tubing, Durango
7. Phoenix, AZ...Tent City, the Church on Fillmore, Cubs Spring Training game
8. Orlando, FL...Church Street Station, Orlando Magic bball game against the Bulls, Michael Jordan minor league baseball game, Dinner Theaters: Sleuth's, Arabian Nights, and King Henry's Feast. The Melting Pot, Disney, Universal, Sea World, and all that stuff
9. Cocoa Beach and Melbourne Beach, FL
10. ate Chicago Deep Dish Pizza Pie in Chicago
11. threw up in Philadelphia, PA outside the Liberty Bell
12. Christmas in a mountain home in Gatlinburg, TN
13. Christmas in a beach house in Galveston
14. Seattle Mariners game, Safeco Field
15. jeeped a couple of hours up a mountain pass to a ghost town - Colorado
16. rode a motorcycle
17. toured the White House and the Smithsonian. Also, quoted the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Monument
18. Chicago Cubs game, Wrigley Field
19. Ruiodoso (hanging out) and Santa Fe (skiing), New Mexico
20. saw Carmel, Monterrey, Santa Cruz, CA and took the 17-mile drive at Pebble Beach
21. and more, especially all the Texas A&M, Houston, San Antonio and Dallas stuff
Well, that was fun for me, but it would be more fun if I could know your list, too. So email me or "comment" your top 5, how bout that?
Here's my top 5. Some are the same as yours.
(these are in no particular order)
1. Jeeping the Alpine Loop in colorado with Clay driving. I still see my life flash before my eyes when I think of that one turn.
2. Rappelling that same mountain face (although I did it in probably 3 or 4 times the amount of time you did. Brandon's right, you were made for speed.
3. Sat ringside for fights in the MGM Grand Garden.
4. 4th of July in Lake City. Just something about 4th of July in a different place. Can't wait to be in Jackson Hole this year.
5. Walking through the French Quarter in New Orleans with Matt during the middle of the day because we were too scared to go at night. :)
1. Flown a jet aircraft at 480 knots at 250 feet above the ground in too many places and too many times to recount.
2. Skied the Austrian Alps.
3. Spent five wonderful days in Washington State learning how to survive the elements and POW Interegations - long before "24" showed how interegations work.
4. Appeared on 20/20 with Geraldo Rivera before he went off the deep end looking for who knows what..
5. Watched my oldest hang out with many famous people including the first George Bush and his wife.
show off. :-)
I didn't know about the Geraldo thing...must have more info.
I somehow have to try and top conference speaker...
1. White-water rafted on the Nile river in Uganda
2. Met VP Dan Quayle at the 1994 Southern Baptist convention in Orlando
3. Drove the jeep on the oft-mentioned Alpine Loop trip and always felt in complete control and serenity.
4. (since Cynthia mentioned barfing) Unloaded about a month's worth into the Atlantic Ocean on a fishing trip with K&M B
5. #1-3, 5-10, 13-16, 18, first part of 19, 20 and a bunch of 21 on Cynthia's list
In case you didn't know, Geraldo was a hard core reporter during the Vietnam War - he went to the front lines daily. I met up with him when we were in the field during survival training, he was doing a story on the USAF Survival school and "camped out" with us and so I was on 20/20. And now you know the rest of the story.
Oh, and I have a kid who has been white water rafting on the Nile.
Oh, and I have unloaded (in similar fashion to what Clay means)during one of those fantastic flying adventures I mentioned previously - now that involves some good skill so as not to get yourself all messy...
1. Spent the night on the Battleship Texas
2. Danced with my wife on the floor of the Astrodome (I also broke into the dome when I was in 7th grade after I grew tired of waiting for the Science Fair judge to come see me in the Astrohall)
3. Went to the country's first baseball field with night lights outside of Sante Fe
4. 34 and overweight, climbed to the top of Enchanted Rock.
5. Went to Luchenbach, Texas without Waylon, Willie or the boys. I did not get drunk on wine (or any thing else) but had fun watching those who were.
1) climbed Enchanted Rock
2) all in one week at the ranch i: stepped on a dog cactus
cut my knee open on a barbed wire fence (with after about 20 minutes of sitting on the top finally decided to come down) and i saw a buffalo
3) went to Angelfire, NM with my family (we got to stay in a 3story condo!)
4) kayaking at PK (which i get to do again in a few weeks!!)
5) ridden in a trucklimmo! (cuz i was a bridesmaid in a wedding!)
Since I'm only like...14, I'm sure that many more exciting things will happen in the years to come. Or at least I hope so.
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