I had planned to work on Ladies' Retreat, Saturday morning session, that I'm doing in San Angelo in a few weeks. But last night, when Brandon flashed that smile up at me, I noticed the tooth that he chipped 3 weeks ago looked gray. So we went to the dentist today and it seems that he's got surgery in his very near future. We're going to have to go see a specialist on Monday.
Brandon was trying to process all the info. he was hearing and still appear calm, cool, and collected. He asked me if I'd ever had a nerve in a tooth die. I said, "No. I never ran in church." (liar.) He said, "I bet you did." Me: "Yes, probably so." But I was thinking, I probably didn't run with such reckless abandon. Clay pointed out that I did other reckless things... like hose a girl down with the fire extinguisher at church. Come to think of it, the emotional damage I caused back in the day might actually have cost more than the physical damage his accident is going to cost. hmmmmmmmmmm.
This is way overdue. I'm going to compare 24 and Alias. Feel free to agree or disagree. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about....for goodness sakes, get yourself on over to Blockbuster!
Male Lead
24 - Keifer Sutherland
Alias -Michael Vartan
Advantage - Alias. Jack is bad to the bone, but Vaughn is NOT ugly.
Computer Geek
24- Edgar
Alias - Marshall
Advantage - Alias. Bring back Chloe! Bring back Chloe!
Bad Guys
24 - you think you know, but you don't
Alias - Sark, Sloane (because who does he think he's fooling?), sometimes Jack, and that really mean girl who shot Nadia
Advantage - 24. they're good, but don't worry. Jack will take care of them.
24 - it all takes place in 24 hours, conveniently hitting especially tense moments at the bottom of every hour
Alias - tough girl suffering from the effects of major familial dysfunction beats up bad guys.
Advantage - 24, because whoever thought that story up is more clever than I am.
24- CTU, Counter Terrorism Unit
Alias - CIA. yawn.
Advantage - 24. And Clay wants his phone to ring like that.
24 - homeland security issues, very current
Alias - the Rimbaldi Prophecy??? Give me a break.
Advantage - again, 24.
24- recognized bad cast and brought back the old-timers.
Alias - Why is Arvin Sloane still in charge?
Advantage - 24
24- Jack and Adrianne(or whatever her name is) ; Tony and Michelle
Alias - Vaughn and Sydney
Advantage - Alias. See "Male Lead"
I could go on, but that will probably give you enough to argue about for awhile. Next week, perhaps we'll discuss the merits of Chick-fil-A verses Rosa's Cafe.
Ahem...I know that you and one of your blogger cronies thing that Vartan is God's gift to womanhood to gawk at, but you both keep ignoring one very important fact. HE IS FRENCH!
At least Jack (Keifer) is 100% American. Aside from that, good comparisons, and with last night's 24 developments, Alias is getting its butt kicked this season.
i do love 24, especially now that tony is back and soon michelle as well. i've got to think chloe is going to make a comeback...
24 also makes me proud of my major and inspires me to go to class...well sorta
i agree with all the advantages you've given 24, but you neglected to assign them weights. what are the most important factors? when i consider this, my vote swings and i have to give all my props to alias for 1 reason...not only is michael vartan NOT ugly, he is like the definition of hottness.
jack's love life just doesnt cut it...theres something just not right about audrey...i think maybe she is french?!?
Kiefer Sutherland as an American Hero is like saying Hillary Clinton is the best choice for the next President of The USA.
Oh and I forgot - Alias has/had a great tie in to King of Queens. Jennifer Garner's old female room mate on the show was/is Deacon's wife on KOQ. And talk about bringing someone back, that girl was blown away on one show, appeared to be dead and then a few shows later miraculously is after Jennifer Garner again. Musch more coolness than 24
You are soooooooooo brilliant! I'm basking in the glow!
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