OK, I'm wondering why the Assembly of God folks have such better camps than the Baptists. This place we stayed for Ladies' Retreat...in Maypearl, remember???....they were motel rooms with double sinks. We had a large common area to hang out and a meeting room for, well, meeting. Anyway, I digress. At about 1 am I'm sitting in the common area and notice that I'm on a leather couch. And I can honestly say that I've never met finer accomodations at a camp. I had a good time and stayed up way later than usual just because I was having fun with the girls. You know how goofy you get after 12:30 am? I actually heard this statement: "Papa Smurf ROCKS." The statement just landed and no one challenged it because it was declared boldly as fact. But now that I'm rested...I don't think I would have agreed. I think I might have had to challenge with something like, "No, I disagree. Because those guys were just blue and weird."
Our speaker was Robin Johnson who told me to say hello to "Flash"...you know who you are. Robin was hilarious. She's a pastor's wife in Frisco, who has been a news anchor...most notably at CNN Headline News in Atlanta. But I'm getting off track again. Something she said to me on Friday night has had me thinking. WHen KP introduced us and told Robin that I write for LifeWay, Robin said, "AHHH, substantive. Something very different than what I do." Which was funny. Because I found myself thinking about how I could make my "talk" on Saturday morning of the ladies' retreat funnier (i know that's not a word but it's MY blog), knowing that I was following Robin. I sat listening to her thinking that I wish I were better at that part of speaking...you know, just spinning a tale. It's nice to get laughs, after all. Anyway, here she was, looking at it from the opposite view. So you can see why this has caused much thought.
Now I've heard this argument before: some people like heavy duty Bible study at a ladies' retreat. Others just like to have a good laugh. Now, obviously no funny story can replace God's Word in truth and power, but stick with me here. Though she didn't give me some deep spiritual quote to write down and treasure, she gave me laughter. And through hearing her life experiences, I found commanality with another believer who is simply using the very unique gifts that God has given her to the best of her ability. AND, as I told Robin, I disagree with her conclusion... there's substance in ANY story if you just look at it from an eternal view. After all, even Jesus taught in parables. The key is looking for the application in it.
So, I know you didn't come here looking for something quite so deep. ON another subject and back to a previous post, my favorite part of that baby got book video that you should have all seen by now...definitely the flannel graph scene and the line "NIV with a ribbon bookmark".
Well, tomorrow is President's Day or something and the kids don't have school. We're going to go see "Because of Winn Dixie" with friends. The kids wanted to see "Son of the Mask", but I had to draw the line. Tuesday is the big day...4th grade Writing TAKS....oooooooooooooo....isn't it twisted how elementary schoolers have to stress like they're taking the SAT or something?
My sister-in-law was too chicken to post a comment :-) but she expressed concern about my things that make me happy list. So you can look soon for a list that, though it won't include anything as cool as the mechanical pencil, will reveal a perhaps more thoughtful array of smile-bringers. Until then...
1 comment:
I made it!
Whew! This makes me nervous. I've been off the beaten path of the net too long.
This makes me nervous. Did I mention that? yuk--I think I'm sweating.
First, I must agree with the sis-in-law, the tennis ball sniffing has me scared!
Well--it's 6:00p.m. and I'm still at the school. It's TAKS day for our 4th graders. We give them all the time they need.
Tomorrow it will be Reading for the 3rd graders. It IS so much pressure for these guys, but they are all troopers.
I just try to keep them bathed in prayer.
AND--to the topic of the Smurfs. Were we all totally delirious? It seemed to be soooo funny at the time. But nowadays it doesn't take much to humor me. I'm always searching for a laugh. We will always have the memories---no matter how demented they may be. hee
I'm looking foward to the "blogging." With you and the "ballardini" it should be a GREAT adventure. I envy both of you. You are both funny ----with very witty personalities. You are great writers. It should be fun!
**I just need to learn all the acronyms, and how to spell, and what the word "substantive" means. (hee-hee) No---really --this will be fun!!!
I love you my new friend and am excited about the ride.
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