but i did get an email from a friend that i think will tide us over for a bit...enjoy.Jack Bauer Appreciation Day2007/05/09
Apparently Jack Bauer has been having a rough time of it.
In the last 21 hours, he: Has been released from Chinese custody where he was tortured for months on end, learned that not only was his brother evil but he's now dead (after he tortured him), learned that his father is evil, learned that his beloved girlfriend was also tortured in China after being abducted while on the hunt for him, blew a plan that wound up giving his Chinese captors Russian defense technology and had to violate direct presidential orders, thus getting himself arrested.
And, to top it all off, 24's critics and fans have been dumping on him.
So the folks at
Blogs4Bauer decided to soothe Jack's battered soul and declare today Jack Bauer Appreciation Day.
They suggest that, in honor of the intrepid terrorist hunter, his fans should:
1. Give someone your word that you'll do something.
2. Commandeer a vehicle.
3. Whisper (you know, in that husky, menacing Jack way, unless, of course he's speaking to a member of the fairer sex who's not a terrorist, then his whisper is on the softer side).
4. Scream, although your outburst must start with, "D****t!"
5. Boycott Chinese food today.
However I think they're missing a few items. I'd add, 1) Look lovestruck as you gently caress someone's cheek 2) Demand that someone "patch" you through to someone and 3) Angrily shut off your cell phone.
That about covers it.
all is well with The Hopkins. Have a nice day!