I just clicked on here today bc it's still in my favorites folder and enjoyed reading about myself. And I realized how much fun this page was for me and what a great diversion from real writing it had been. So I'm not promising anything, but you can check back from time to time if you want. Because I might have had something to say that you might find interesting. To get the blog rolling again, let's start with a list. because those are always a crowd-pleaser:
Things That Have Changed Since I Last Blogged:
* I no longer like to mow. But that's ok bc it's winter now.
* Middle school has been good. Except for one mean little bully, B is having the time of his life. He even won the middle school spelling bee and is heading to the county bee on the 13th. tapestried, if that's even a word, will NOT trip him up this year.
* A had a "boyfriend", but she broke up with him bc he made fun of Hannah Montana. the NERVE.
* Cl is the assistant coach of B's basketball team. It's very fun to watch this year bc they're pretty good. And last game Cl got a tech for saying "He pushed him in the back" about a boy on the other team who was trying to play rugby out there. The ref said, "no, he didn't" and Cl said "Yes, he did." TECHNICAL. so that's kind of a fun story.
* We're, along with the other staff couples, speaking at our marriage retreat this weekend. Cl and I have the topic, "Partnering Together in Ministry". bc we're pretty good pahdnuhs.
* For spring break we're all 4 going on the sr. ski trip to winter park, co. both kids are going to ski, so that should be fun to watch. that, along with a mission trip to Mexico, will be our family trips for '07.
* Cl actually got paid for his own writing assignment. The BGCT asked him to write a Super Summer session. He did. And it was very good!
* This morning, it snowed the biggest snowflakes I have ever seen in all my live-long days. They even made a big splat when they hit the ground. oh, and it's very cold and i'm ready for summertime.
ok, well i guess that's it. i'm going to click on my favorites folder again and see what other interesting things I can find before I get to work. Have a splendid day!